Sustainability - We need to redefine sustainability to include relationships. How we conduct business with one another or how we educate our youth is just as important as tending the earth. We are not above the web of life, but a part of it. We are part of both the cause and effect of both the good and bad that happens here. We are part of the problems and the solutions, but we must first understand our place before creating sustainable solutions.
Experiential Education - I first learned about experiential education in 2004 and have been studying it in varying degrees ever since. It is the foundation of what I do and how I do it. Experiential education is the framework and to oversimplify it, it means learning by doing. We learn best through experience and I design the experience, or the framework for your learning. to learn more read John Dewey.
Systems Thinking- We are all a part of many systems. In order to understand an issue within a system we must look at the parts of a system in context to the whole system. Too many times I have seen businesses put “Band-Aids” on their issues. I like to get to the root cause or causes. Treat the root and you have a better chance on longer lasting change. The root cause often looks like attitudes and behaviors, both of which can be changed with a little effort.
Design Thinking - As we get older we lose our creativity. We must get back to ‘play’ and allow ourselves an opportunity to stretch our minds to a place where all ideas are possible. Only here can we truly innovate.
Change Does Not Happen Overnight - Change is a process that happens over time. There are stages of change that no one can achieve in a couple hours, a day-long event, in a week-long conference, or taking an online assessment. If you want change in the workplace to occur you have to be willing to put in the time and work. Don’t have time? What does your business productivity cost to you?
Do Not Underestimate the Power of Trust - Do not skimp on the time you build trust within your team. In all my programs I usually spend half the time building trust and the other half on everything else.
Don’t Just Lead, Facilitate Change - I believe everyone should learn how to become a facilitator in their own lives.
People who have influenced my work:
John Dewey- known for learning through experiences
Aldo Leopold - creating The Land Ethic
Richard Louv - The Nature Principle - the Hybrid Mind